How To Enjoy Being A Single Woman

How to enjoy being a single mom

In 2001, when my children were grown and living their own lives, I upped sticks and moved to London. Putting your stuff into storage and starting again is not what middle-aged divorced women are supposed to do. At least it’s not if you listen to other people. In a way I can see what they meant. Having missed out on university and the communal living that comes with it I now chose to squeeze myself into the smallest bedroom of an east London terrace I would share with 5 strangers. Six months of endless rotas, fridge turf wars and sharing a bathroom later, I was beginning to feel the strain.

How To Enjoy Your Life


The only light in this dark period was when I came home and there were no lights, meaning I had the place to myself. The gilt had thoroughly worn off the house-share gingerbread but by then I’d found my feet, revved up my career and I knew I would stay in London, at least for the foreseeable future. When I was out exploring one Saturday I found a tiny affordable flat to rent on the edge of Blackheath and there I stayed for the next 14 years, the longest I’ve ever lived anywhere. A year later my boyfriend of four years dropped me for being “too independent” and I began what I believe is called “a drought”. Authorization keygen.